Pharmaceutical Honours Programmes

How to apply for HPPS?

The applications will take place during spring of your first year of the bachelor programme. The HPPS coordinator will send you an email with further instructions on how to apply for HPPS. As College of Pharmaceutical Sciences is an honours level study, the applications are different from Pharmacy students.

Pharmacy students
With an average grade of 7.5 or higher and a good motivation you can assume that you will be eligible for HPPS. However, even with a lower grade but an excellent motivation you might still be eligible for HPPS. For the application you will need to send your grades and a letter of motivation (max. 500 words) to the HPPS coordinator.

CPS students
For the application you will need to send your grades and a letter of motivation (max. 500 words) to the HPPS coordinator.