Book List
Here you can see the books you can read that count for HPPS hours. If your book is not between here but you want it to count for HPPS hours, contact the board with motivation and how it relates to the pharmacy.
- Ten Drugs by Thomas Hager
- The alchemy of air by Thomas Hager
- The demon under the microscope by Thomas Hager
- Antidepressiva en depressie by Dick Bijl (Dutch)
- Dodelijke psychiatrie by Peter C. Gøtzsche (Dutch)
- Deadly medicines and organised crime by Peter C. Gøtzsche
- Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
- Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre
- Laughing gas, Viagra and Lipitor by Jie Jack Li
- The rise and fall of modern medicine by James Le Fanu
- Factfulness by Hans Rosling & Anna Rosling Ronnlund.